Thursday 28 July 2016

Sprinting Hare

A fantastic holiday in Orkney has inspired this latest piece.
A gentle stroll down to the beach, Oyster Catchers calling over head and hares running flat out through the fields either side of us - heaven!
Awaiting instillation into his glass case he will be available in my Folksy shop tomorrow.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Tweet of the Day

Not every culture sees a single Magpie as a bad omen, in Korea the bird signifies the arrival of visitors to your house and in China the bird is a symbol of good luck and fortune.
Consider this little chap as a welcome visitor to your home and remember that if you see lots of single magpies in the Spring it's usually because they are foraging for food for their mate.

This needle felted miniature sits atop a hand painted vintage brass telephone and will be available in my Folksy shop in the next day or two.

The Fox &The Gramophone

As anyone who has ever lain in bed listening to foxes knows, when singing their song, they are practically pitch perfect!!
This fellow loves nothing more than listening to some smooth classics of an evening.
Available from my Folksy Shop in the next day or two

Thursday 14 July 2016

Orkney Delights

Beautiful Orkney - "Not on everyones bucket list" as the lady who checked us in at Gatwick wryly observed but I love it none the less
Staying on the East Mainland meant revisiting some favourite haunts and plenty of beachcombing with the not very well hidden intention of bagging a Groatie Buckie or 10! 
The sound of oyster catchers and curlew replaced the familiar song birds we usually wake to and a quick peek out of the window meant we were able to check the tide line on the beach.
Marwick Head
Waterfall at Yesnaby
The Beach at the bottom of the lane (Aikerness)
A 'Groatie Buckie' (Atlantic Cowrie) said to bring luck and avidly hunted for by locals and tourists alike
I am planning a few projects based on the fantastic wildlife we spotted during our stay so watch this space!